The most beautiful love words spoken and written by the greatest poets and writers who have enchanted many people, thanks to the immense loads of romance in them enclosed.
A collection of the most beautiful phrases of love all the time divided by theme:
"Phrases 18 years
"Phrases goodbye
"Phrases friendship
"Phrases anniversary
"Phrases good year
"Phrases goodnight
"Good morning Phrases
"Famous quotes
»Birthday Phrases
"Love phrases
»Fun Phrases
'Sweet phrases
"Phrases Father's Day
"Phrases Women's Day
"Phrases Mother's Day
"Phrases healing
"Phrases Marriage
"Phrases mesiversario
"Phrases I miss you
"Phrases Christmas
»Easter Phrases
"Phrases First Communion
"Romantic phrases
"Phrases Valentine
'Excuse phrases
"Phrases I love you
"Sad phrases
"Thoughts and Aphorisms
How many times, with bated breath, we tried the sweet words to confess with an original phrase our love, to tell a person how important it was for us?
We know that is not 'easy, shyness and emotion often play tricks threatening to make even a fool.
Log in and choose the most beautiful sentence.